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Journalists nominated for the Andrzej Woyciechowski 2022 Award have been announced
Journalists nominated for the Andrzej Woyciechowski 2022 Award have been announcedInconsistent use of regulations on the measurement of noise emissions by environmental authorities
Inconsistent use of regulations on the measurement of noise emissions by environmental authoritiesWholesaler or retailer? Problems with verifying counterparty status under the sugar levy
Wholesaler or retailer? Problems with verifying counterparty status under the sugar levySuccessful proceedings in VAT carousel in the FMCG sector
Successful proceedings in VAT carousel in the FMCG sectorImportant judgment on the issue of instrumental initiation of tax proceedings. Infringement of the principle of protection of legitimate expectations | CASE STUDY
Important judgment on the issue of instrumental initiation of tax proceedings. Infringement of the principle of protection of legitimate expectations | CASE STUDYNot all shareholders have to sign the contract at the same time
Not all shareholders have to sign the contract at the same timeCommentaries by GWW experts in the report "Tax Rollercoaster" 2022
Commentaries by GWW experts in the report "Tax Rollercoaster" 2022CEO will pay debt when there is an enforcement order against the company
CEO will pay debt when there is an enforcement order against the companySomething that cannot be revenue cannot be estimated
Something that cannot be revenue cannot be estimatedDeadline for reporting on the ownership structures of real estate companies and their shareholders
Deadline for reporting on the ownership structures of real estate companies and their shareholdersJerzy Kulpinski, patent attorney and of counsel at GWW, passed away
Jerzy Kulpinski, patent attorney and of counsel at GWW, passed awayConcerned about
missing out
on key legal