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An important judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court: no exit tax on donations
An important judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court: no exit tax on donationsMore transactions to be reported in 2022
More transactions to be reported in 2022Artur Bubrowiecki's lecture at the Developer Academy
Artur Bubrowiecki's lecture at the Developer AcademyAndrzej Ladziński elected the chairman of the National Council of Tax Advisors
Andrzej Ladziński elected the chairman of the National Council of Tax AdvisorsSigning of the financial statements
Signing of the financial statementsDispute with the tax authority on estimating income from the sale of real estate | CASE STUDY
Dispute with the tax authority on estimating income from the sale of real estate | CASE STUDYThe National System of e-invoices is already working
The National System of e-invoices is already workingThe last such Christmas with transfer prices
The last such Christmas with transfer pricesMichał Taranowic, our attorney-at-law, with the title of tax advisor
Michał Taranowic, our attorney-at-law, with the title of tax advisorChristmas 2021
Christmas 2021Waste management in the investment process. Training for the Polish Association of Developers
Waste management in the investment process. Training for the Polish Association of DevelopersConcerned about
missing out
on key legal