
Who you are?

We are specialists in comprehensive services in the area of legal and tax advisory.

Our experience is nearly 30 years of commitment to the development of entrepreneurship in Poland.

We operate in a team of over 150 specialists who take an individual approach to each case.

We are focused on long-term relationships with our clients.

Company distinctions


tax advisors






years on the market


branches in Poland


partners in Europe and the USA

Awards and rankings

Individual awards for our tax advisors
Awards for tax and legal teams, including individual awards
Awards for tax and legal teams, including individual awards
Awards for tax and legal teams, including individual awards
Awards for tax and legal teams, including individual awards
Honorable mentions in the list of law firms dealing with media law
Place among the winners of the technology projects ranking for the product offered by TAX INSIGHT


We have been cooperating with companies for years, getting to know their business deeply and by providing the highest quality services. They are very responsible for your safety experienced lawyers who make it clearthey translate law into business practices.

Trans European Law Firm Alliance

WW is a member of The Trans-European Law Firm Alliance, a network of law firms from Europe and the United States. TELFA has existed since 1989 and brings together more than 1,000 lawyers from various countries. GWW is the only Polish representative of TELFA.

Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats

AIJA is the only international organisation for lawyers up to the age of 45, and one of its main objectives is to create opportunities for development, education and the establishment of new professional contacts for lawyers at the beginning of their professional careers.
The work of AIJA is coordinated by 20 permanent scientific committees, which organise scientific events worldwide and are in constant contact with the organisation’s members.

Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa w Rzeszowie

The Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Rzeszów is the advocate for the interests of entrepreneurs and employers.
Its tasks include representing and protecting the economic interests of its members towards state administration authorities, local government bodies and other organisations and institutions, as well as promoting economic initiatives in the form of organisational and economic consulting.

The International Academy of Estate and Trust law

The Transnational International Academy of Estate and Trust Law (TIATL) was founded in 1975 in California to conduct research on inheritance law systems in different countries around the world. To this day, it continues its research, seeking reliable solutions for corporations, family foundations, wealthy clients and trusts from different legal cultures.

TTN Taxation

TTN describes itself as a network of tax lawyers. The experts form small support groups to reach demanding international clients who face complex tax challenges. In addition to legal assistance, this cooperation platform aims to develop relationships between lawyers from all over the world.

Pracodawcy RP

GWW is a member of the nationwide employers‘ organisation Pracodawcy RP, and thus, since 2024, part of the oldest employers’ organisation in Poland.

The aim of its activities is to create an employer-friendly state, taking into account that these activities have a positive impact on employer-employee relations.