Granting of scholarships to children of the Dorastaj z Nami (Grow Up With Us) Foundation
Last Thursday, on 12 September 2019, there was a ceremonial granting of scholarships to 26 charges of the Dorastaj z Nami Foundation by the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda and the First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda. Scholarships were granted to new charges of the Foundation – children whose parents died or were injured while performing their duties.
During the scholarship award ceremony at Belweder, GWW was represented by Joanna Sebzda-Załuska, legal counsel, managing partner of GWW Legal. The GWW Law Firm is a founder and substantial partner of the Dorastaj z Nami Foundation.
More information about the ceremony and activities of the Foundation can be found at:
Pict. Fundacja Dorastaj z Nami
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