Will the Special Act on Housing restrict trade and services?
The purpose of the regulations simplifying the investment implementation procedure is first of all to meet the housing needs, which is why the legislator has introduced additional restrictions on the service and commercial premises. An extensive commentary by Joanna Sebzda-Załuska can be found on the Eurobuild portal.
“Developers, using the mode introduced on 22 August by the Special Act, bypass several time-consuming procedures and can obtain permits to start investments more quickly and easily. To justify adoption of this mode, the legislator introduced restrictions that are not applicable to investments carried out in the ordinary course of the Construction Law. According to the new regulations, residential premises cannot be converted into e.g. service premises and when constructing a commercial pavilion, it cannot be used before the construction of apartments has been completed." – says attorney Sebzda-Załuska.
The article was published in the Eurobuild Central & Eastern Europe magazine.
Link to the article: http://eurobuildcee.com/?page=komentarz&id=139#page_top
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