
GWW helps Ukraine

After an Easter support project that went to a hospital in Ukraine, it is time for a second one. Another dose of support from GWW has reached those in need. And it was received by the Zamlynia Integration Centre, which cares for children and young people.

Deciding where our funds should go was not easy, there are many aid organisations, many collections. What to choose in order to make the best use of the funds? 🤔 Initially we wanted to invest in essential products and send them to Ukraine. However, the transport across the border, the changing situation and the need prompted us to donate. We opted for a less 'media-savvy' initiative that allowed our aid to go directly to those in need. The "Zamlynia" children's centre in Ukraine will thus organise a rehabilitation camp for young people affected by the war. We would like to express our appreciation to the centre's leaders, who are doing everything in their power to ensure that children and young people feel the effects of the war as little as possible.

We encourage you to help. You can find out more about "Zamłynia" here: https://www.facebook.com/CentrumIntegracjiZamlynia/ 


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