Registration data

Legal Advisory
GWW Grynhoff i Partnerzy Radcowie Prawni
i Doradcy Podatkowi sp. p.
ul. Książęca 4, 00-498 Warszawa
NIP: 7792022623
REGON: 631226810
KRS: 0000541501
Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy
XII Wydział Gospodarczy
Tax Advisory
GWW Ladziński, Cmoch i Wspólnicy sp. k.
ul. Książęca 4, 00-498 Warszawa
NIP: 7010313649
REGON: 145496595
KRS: 0000956566
Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy
XII Wydział Gospodarczy
Contact our departments
Head Office
Awards and rankings

Individual awards for our tax advisors

Awards for tax and legal teams, including individual awards
Awards for tax and legal teams, including individual awards

Awards for tax and legal teams, including individual awards

Awards for tax and legal teams, including individual awards

Honorable mentions in the list of law firms dealing with media law

Place among the winners of the technology projects ranking for the product offered by TAX INSIGHT