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Building law and technical and construction regulations in the practice of a landscape architect
Building law and technical and construction regulations in the practice of a landscape architectPFR explanations - definition of "Fixed Costs" and rules of spending a financial subsidy obtained
PFR explanations - definition of "Fixed Costs" and rules of spending a financial subsidy obtainedA ban on performing functions in the management board may be lifted
A ban on performing functions in the management board may be liftedLimits applicable to cash payments affect tax settlements
Limits applicable to cash payments affect tax settlementsCompanies have difficulties with filling in the JPK file
Companies have difficulties with filling in the JPK file"Research for the market" competition
"Research for the market" competition2021: Lump-sum tax on rental revenues not only for private rental
2021: Lump-sum tax on rental revenues not only for private rentalProgram subsidies for SMEs - PRF 2.0
Program subsidies for SMEs - PRF 2.0Program subsidies for Micro-companies - PRF 2.0
Program subsidies for Micro-companies - PRF 2.0Polish Family Foundation - draft act
Polish Family Foundation - draft actA breakthrough for businesses using new technologies
A breakthrough for businesses using new technologiesConcerned about
missing out
on key legal