Chambers High Net Worth Ranking 2020
Zespół doradztwa dla klientów indywidualnych GWW po raz kolejny został wymieniony wśród najlepszych zespołów w Polsce (Band 1) w prestiżowym międzynarodowym rankingu Chambers High Net Worth, Private Wealth Law in Poland.
1 miejsce (Band 1) – zespół doradztwa dla klientów indywidualnych
W rankingach organizowanych przez Chambers & Partners dużą rolę pełnią wypowiedzi klientów oraz partnerów biznesowych, którzy w czasie wywiadów z organizatorem oceniają współpracę z naszymi prawnikami. Oto to wynikło z tegorocznych rozmów:
- GWW is a "first-choice legal firm," according to one source. The team has experience advising high net worth clients on succession planning, asset protection and business structuring. Another interviewee adds: "My impression of them is excellent – they are one of the law firms that really cover private client work and they have excellent relationships internationally so they can help their clients in the UK, Liechtenstein, etc." A number of sources comment on the firm's ability to handle cross-border matters, with one saying: "They handled cross-border aspects excellently – they are very competent. Most of the time when dealing with Poland, I will use GWW."
- Another interviewee praises the firm, explaining: "They won't put me at risk. If they do not know something, they will refer me to someone else. They know their limits, but they will outsource us to the best."
- 1 miejsce (Band 1) – Aldona Leszczyńska-Mikulska
- Tytuł „Star Associate” – Tomasz Krzywański
Opiekun zespołu doradztwa dla klientów indywidualnych Aldona Leszczyńska-Mikulska kolejny rok z rzędu otrzymała najwyższe wyróżnienie indywidualne (Band 1).
Aldona Leszczyńska-Mikulska is head of the private client practice at GWW. A source states: "She has a great knowledge of Polish tax legislation as well as international matters. She's solutions-based and knows her offshore structures well. I work with many lawyers, but she is one of the best ones." Another interviewee reports: "We liked working with her, she was very clear, she was very responsive, but if she was unavailable she would communicate it to us. She was patient explaining things to us, and very good at answering questions. I would recommend her." A third source adds that "she always makes people feel comfortable and she is a delight to work with."
Tomasz Krzywański otrzymał wyróżnienie Star Associate (w zeszłym roku z tytułem Associate to Watch).
"The truth is that with my big experience around lawyers, Tomasz Krzywanski is my favourite," a source enthuses, explaining: "His knowledge is first, but so is his reaction. He is always very quick and very precise." Another adds that, "if I had to recommend a lawyer working in the private client market, it would be him," and identifies Krzywanski's strength as "trying to find tailor-made solutions for the clients to satisfy their structural needs." One interviewee praises Krzywanski's communication skills: "He is always trying to explain in simple words what the issue is, what is the right decision for me, why I should do something. From my perspective as a client, this is a really important thing – we use the same language."
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