1 miejsce GWW w Rankingu Chambers High Net Worth 2018
Z ogromną przyjemnością informujemy, że praktyka doradztwa dla klientów indywidualnych – GWW Private – otrzymała 1 miejsce (Band 1) w Rankingu Chambers High Net Worth 2018 i tym samym została uznana za najlepszą praktykę w tej kategorii w Polsce. Chambers and Partners (firma, która publikuje rankingi firm prawniczych od 1990 r.) w tym roku po raz drugi zbadała Polski rynek doradztwa dla zamożnych klientów indywidualnych, a GWW po raz drugi otrzymała najwyższe wyróżnienie.
Rekomendacje dla GWW:
"They have an established private client reputation, and they do a lot of domestic tax planning work”;
“The quality of a law firm is its people, and this firm has never let us down. They come up with new and creative solutions and implement them";
“very long experience with private clients and offers a complete service for UHNW individuals";
Aldona i Artur również powtórzyli swój sukces z poprzedniego roku:
• Aldona Leszczyńska-Mikulska uplasowała się na miejscu 1 (Band 1).
"very, very professional"; "one of the best people who I've worked with for tax matters. She has a very good knowledge, very smart, and sophisticated"; "She has a broad knowledge and experience of both legal and tax issues for private clients. She is perfectly organised with excellent client relations skills"; "clients enjoy working with her, and she is always available to her clients"; “she is always around and responsive to my emails. I trust her advice and she is very engaged"; "She is really a great expert, and a pleasure to work with".
• Artur Cmoch znalazł się na miejscu 2 (Band 2)
"He has very good technical skills, and is an excellent tax expert. I can only think highly of Artur. An excellent hands-on lawyer"; "He is always very creative and a forthcoming partner"; "He is always a fountain of new ideas, and is always very good at following things up. He is very communicative. You can sit down with him, and in half an hour he'll have come up with five different ideas".
Pełne wyniki rankingu: https://www.chambersandpartners.com/173/2633/editorial/21/1#profileEditorial_1277671
Więcej o Chambers and Partners: https://www.chambersandpartners.com/about-chambers
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